Last day of May

This moment, the last day and the last hour of May. What are you doing right now? Where have you been to? or what are you feeling now?
It is really fast. Time is waiting for no one. phew~~~
So everyone, gambatte ne!!! fighting!!!
I'm still working with my assignments. I, surprised myself that one of my assignment is gonna complete soon(90%). isit toooo fast? hmmm~ no actually.. i have a lot of works to complete by 3 weeks. oh gosh!!!! Well, I can do it.. I know... I should have confident!!!
Anyway, friends, all the best and good luck in everything! keep it up! :D
31.05.2010, a day which kinda tired but fun.
Besides, I'm worries one of my friend who is sick. I pray that she will be fine as soon as possible. I know its really annoyed. Bless you! cheer too!
Between, there are 3 person who I need to thank them a lot for advising me and telling me so much... thanks my dearest! :)


This semester is really challenging. Assignments... I don't think I did it well and bit disappointed with my works especially Introduction to Communication & Desing's project. Besides, my Digital Design's 1st assignment's presentation too. I didn't do it well. So sad!
Anyway, I'll keep it up in my 2nd assignment. There are still some extra projects to achieves. The Swinburne wall design project really stressed me. But this is really a good chance for me to work / learn with Samuel as well good for my future port folio too. :) I'll do my best. However, the greeting card project makes me lost and I don't really know what they want. I don't know wby I should get involved and became a leader some more. I know I can produce a good greet card design, but I don't understand why should we do it in that mark making way and it doesn't even looks like a greeting card after it had been digitized. okay, maybe this is my fault that I don't even ask a "why"! never mind. Actually I don't even want to do it. Have been forced to do so. No matter how, I will just try my best. You are really the one who makes me lost and another you too. ><
I was so disappointed with Ms. you. But still I hope I can see the actual you someday again. I know you are not suppose to be like this. Maybe you are just too busy. But I'm pity you that you don't have a good partner. He don't even really help you and said something bad at your back some more. Anyway, good luck to you!
The only subject I like is Digital Design. I have a wide space to design and to explorer you own ideas. The comments from lecturer are useful too. That's why I would spend most of my time on this subject's assignment. I hope I can score a good grade on this subject. But still depends on the lecturer.